Equipment Used
I mainly use my Nikon D70 for most of our work nowdays the main exception being my night work. Dont get me wrong digital is great but film still has the advantage of reciprocity failure, A uniquely creative concept that digital cannot compare to. If its digital its the nikon if its film its my trusty old minolta maxxum7000 or my old pentax k1000

I pack two 4 gig microdrives with me allowing me to capture a lot of photos This gives me a very large shooting capacity in JPG format, and quite an impressive capability in RAW format. These cameras and lenses create superb photos and are great for magazine and newspaper photos. This gives me an awesome setup!

After growing up with my hand wet from developing and my eyes sore from the long hours in the darkroom,dodging and burning patiently working to create the work of art that I saw when I took the photo. I am convinced that digital is the way to go. my first test photos with the Nikon D70 are the reflected images and waterfalls found in gallery 2
