About Our Works
You edit the above Flash logo using Notepad or any text editor. Or, if you want you can rename a single file to switch the above Flash logo on all pages with a graphic logo. You also change one file to update the menu at the top or the copyright at the bottom, and your entire site is updated.

This web site template was created for photographers and artists to display their work in website thumbnail galleries and sell either prints or images using a Paypal shopping cart system.

The instructions to turn the gallery into a Paypal shopping cart so you can receive payments is included in the download. Step by step instructions are included. There are also nine image galleries without Paypal forms included if you do not wish to sell items on-line.

This template is written in basic HTML. All the page and gallery pictures and thumbnails can be replaced with your pictures and you can add as many galleries as you need and as many pictures to each page as you need. View this site with a graphic logo
